Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Aubrey and Hazel

Since my last post about Aubrey and Hazel, I have visited the nest 5 times. Recent observations by myself and fellow wildlife photographer Peter Christoph indicate that Hazel may be sitting on eggs. We have seen Aubrey return to the nest then Hazel leave for a brief spell before returning so Aubrey can go off fishing.

April 22nd...I stopped by in the morning shortly before 9am and observed Hazel in the nest. It was overcast and cold, not the best conditions for taking pictures. Aubrey was circling the pond and at one point made a fly-by of the nest then continued off over the trees out of sight. I was able to get one decent shot of him as he flew over.

Aubrey on fly-by. © 2014 David Wornham Photography

After several minutes Hazel left the nest and flew to a tree across the pond some 200 feet away to relieve herself then returned to the nest and perched on a branch. I moved to a spot I had previously found that allowed me to shoot through the trees with a clear view of the nest. She sat only for a few minutes before jumping back into the nest.

Hazel. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Hazel. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Hazel. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Hazel. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Hazel. © 2014 David Wornham Photography

April 23rd...This morning it was extremely windy and cold, when I arrived at first I did not see Hazel in the nest. Every few seconds I noticed a wing tip appear just above the rim as the wind gusted. I moved to a location part way down the slope to the pond and that's when I saw Aubrey perched in a tree about 50 feet from the nest braving the cold wind. The sky was mostly clear and despite the wind I was able to get a series of photos of him from about 80 feet away.

Aubrey. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Aubrey. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
Aubrey. © 2014 David Wornham Photography
April 24th...This morning was similar to yesterday, Hazel in the nest and Aubrey perched in the same tree in the middle of the marshy end of the pond 50 feet from the nest. I watched them both for about 10 minutes and took a few photos but nothing new from yesterday. In the afternoon he was seen returning to the nest then Hazel left and flew to a tree across the pond.

Be sure to subscribe to my blog to stay updated with their progress. You can also follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/david.wornham or visit my website www.davidwornham.com

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nesting Osprey - Massachusetts

In the winter of 2013-14 I began to photograph wildlife, beginning with Snowy Owls along the MA and NH seacoast. As the warmer weather has sent many of them home to the arctic I started to look for a new subject to focus on locally. A friend pointed out a local spot for birding and I jumped at the chance to check it out. Among the many species of small birds present I was surprised and delighted to see an active Osprey nest at one end of the pond.

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) are a distinctively shaped hawk with slender bodies, long narrow wings and long leg . They have been nicknamed "fish hawk" or "fish eagle" as their diet consists almost 100% of fish. They are diurnal hunters meaning they hunt during the daytime. They can be found worldwide in a variety of habitats but are commonly found near the seacoast and in swamps or marshes. Similar to the Bald Eagle in that they are proficient in fishing they are somewhat smaller in size weighing 49-70oz (3-4.5lbs) and 21-23 inches in body length with a wingspan of 60-70 inches. They are a unique hawk in that they have a reversible toe that allows them to more easily grab slippery fish.

This is Aubrey and Hazel, named after my grandparents who were a big influence on me when I was growing up. My grandfather taught me about the outdoors and fishing, I would spend much of my summers with them working in the garden and fishing with my grandfather. I first met Aubrey on April 12th when I saw him circling the pond with a fresh catch. I did not see Hazel this day but it would not be long until I made her acquaintance.

Aubrey and Hazel in the nest © 2014 David Wornham Photography

Aubrey with lunch. © 2014 David Wornham Photography

This pair is nesting near the top of an old dead tree about 60 feet above the marshy end of the pond. In the mornings between 8:30 and 9am I usually find Hazel sitting low in the nest. I presume that Aubrey is off fishing or collecting material for the nest. When I visit in the afternoon after 2pm on many days I have found both present. Some days Aubrey sits in a tree at the far end of the marsh watching over the nest.

Hazel calling for her mate © 2014 David Wornham Photography
April 16th...I stopped by for a visit shortly before 9am to see how they were getting along. Hazel was again sitting in the nest but I did not have to wait long for Aubrey to show up. He arrived with an offering of nesting material for his wife, she seemed pleased. He stayed long enough to give her his present and sit for a minute then went off again for more. I assume they are getting the nest ready for breeding and hope to see chicks in several weeks time.

© 2014 David Wornham Photography  

© 2014 David Wornham Photography

I will be posting updates weekly here and daily photos on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/david.wornham.9 or visit my photography page below. Be sure to check back to stay updated on their progress over the next several months.

